We are a Southern Baptist church who works to accomplish the Great Commission. We believe the best summary of who we are is expressed in the Baptist Faith and Message published in 2000. You can find additional information about the Baptist Faith and Message from this link.

You will discover more about Fairview Baptist Church by viewing the resources found on this website. You can find information about our ministries, our activities, our staff and what we believe at Fairview. If you need additional information about Fairview Baptist Church, please contact us. We will respond to your request soon.

What to Expect

We hope to answer the majority of your questions here. If you have additional questions, please complete the form shown at the bottom of the page and someone will contact you soon.

What time do services start?

Each Sunday morning we gather for worship at 11:00 a.m.

How do I get to Fairview Baptist Church?

You will find a map and contact information on our contact page

What do I do when I arrive?

Please enter the building through the front doors of the church. You will find an usher there to greet you. Feel free to take a copy of our church bulletin. It contains important information about the worship service and other activities of the week. If you are attending Sunday School, you will be directed to appropriate classes for you and your children.

What will my children do?

While you attend worship, our Nursery workers will take good care of your infants and toddlers. Your children age 4 - 8 will enjoy participating in Children's church. Your children will be taught by our wonderful adult volunteers where they will hear the gospel message through teaching, music and games.

We have Sunday School classes for all grade levels that your children can attend prior to worship service. The Sunday School classes begin at 9:45 a.m. and end at 11:00 a.m.

What does the church believe?

The mission of Fairview Baptist Church is to glorify God by making disciples. We are a Southern Baptist church who works to accomplish the Great Commission. We believe the best summary of who we are is expressed in the Baptist Faith and Message published in 2000.