Prayer Quilt Ministry

Women Ministry

Fairview’s Prayer Quilt Ministry affiliated with Prayers & Squares International in May 2012. Since that time, our goal has been to reach out to those who are primarily dealing with serious life issues and suffering in some way—physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually. Our intent is to “cover” those hurting in collective prayer by preparing a lap quilt, praying specifically for the recipient and personally delivering the quilt. Anyone who has an interest in participating in this ministry is certainly invited to join us. Although the work of this ministry is ongoing, we schedule a worship in the church fellowship hall every third Monday from 9:00 a.m.—12:00 noon. On workdays at 10:00, a time is provided for a devotional, prayer and outreach planning. If you know someone needing prayer and the gift of a prayer quilt, please refer your request to any ministry member.

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